What kind of berry is this fruit?

Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) - according to scientific classification, this plant belongs to the gourd family, and its fruit to the gourd group. But some botanists also call it a false berry. Watermelon is very tasty and perfectly quenches thirst in summer, and it is also a valuable source of various biologically active compounds. One of these compounds is citrulline, an amino acid that plays an important role in the metabolic processes of the body.

Composition and calories of watermelon

Watermelon is not only a juicy and refreshing fruit, but also a real treasure trove of useful substances. In its composition, you can find many elements that are found both in the pulp and in the rind. Watermelon pulp contains from 5.5 to 13% of easily digestible sugars. In addition, there are approximately 91.45 grams of water in 100 grams of watermelon.

The calorie content of watermelon is low - only 30 kilocalories per 100 grams. This makes it a great choice for those who are watching their figure or just want to enjoy the sweet taste without extra calories.

Watermelon also contains a variety of beneficial substances. For 100 grams of false berry there are 0.25 grams of ash, 0.15 grams of fats, 0.61 grams of proteins and 7.6 grams of carbohydrates.The glycemic index of watermelon is 60-70 units. This is a high index, which is explained by the presence of simple carbohydrates in the composition. They are quickly broken down in the body, which can be useful for people with certain diseases or features of the body. Watermelon is especially rich in vitamins. Watermelon is 92% water, which makes it an excellent thirst quencher. However, in addition to water, it also contains:

Vitamins: Vitamin C- Powerful antioxidant, Vitamin A- Essential for eye health and immune function, Vitamin B6- Important for brain development and function

Minerals: Potassium- Essential for heart function and muscle contraction, Magnesium- Involved in numerous enzymatic reactions, Lycopene- Carotenoid with antioxidant properties.

 Amino Acids: Citrulline- An essential amino acid with potential health benefits.

Citrulline and its effects on male libido, fertility and athletic performance

Citrulline, chemical formula C6n13NO31, a non-proteinogenic amino acid abundant in watermelon, has long been the subject of research into its potential effects on libido, fertility and athletic performance.

As a result of citrulline stimulation, arginine production increases and arginine becomes a precursor to nitric oxide, which is a regulator of vascular tone and blood flow. It is practically nature's Viagra.

Fertility and spermatogenesis

In studies by Daramola (2018) and Akhuetie (2018), citrulline was found to have a positive effect on male fertility. These studies show that citrulline consumption leads to increased blood flow to the testicles, enhanced spermatogenesis (sperm production), improved sperm motility and morphology.

Kolawole (2019) conducted a study that found that citrulline is beneficial in improving fertility by improving blood flow to the testicles. This study confirmed that citrulline helps to increase nitric oxide levels and improve vascular function. The putative mechanism is related to citrulline's role as a precursor to arginine, which is converted to nitric oxide (NO) in the body. NO is a vasodilator, meaning it can dilate blood vessels and improve blood flow. Increased blood flow to the testicles can promote optimal testicular function and sperm production. However, it is important to note that despite the promising results, larger clinical trials are needed to definitively confirm the effectiveness of citrulline in enhancing male fertility.

Athletic Performance

A study by Colavole published in 2019 examined the potential benefits of watermelon consumption on athletic performance. The study found that consuming watermelon before exercise increased endurance and reduced fatigue, improved muscle oxygenation, and reduced muscle soreness after exercise. A dose of 6 grams of citrulline per day significantly reduces muscle fatigue and increases ATP levels by 35%. In addition, the high water content of watermelon helps maintain adequate hydration during exercise.

The form of citrulline used in sports and biohacking is Citrulline Malate.

Benefits of citrulline for athletes:

Increased endurance: Citrulline reduces muscle fatigue, allowing athletes to train longer and more intensely.

Improved recovery: Citrulline promotes rapid muscle recovery after intense workouts. It helps reduce soreness and speed up the regeneration process.

Improved performance: By improving blood circulation and supplying muscles with nutrients, citrulline helps to increase strength and power.

Reducing lactate levels: Citrulline also helps to reduce the build-up of lactic acid in the muscles. This reduces burning sensation and fatigue during workouts.

At www.biohactour.com on the biohackers shop page, you can choose from several nutritional options for athletes containing citrulline.

What else is good in watermelon?

Coenzymes Q10 and Q17 in Watermelon Seeds and Grape Seeds: Content and Rejuvenating Effect

Coenzymes Q10 and Q17 are naturally occurring antioxidants found in watermelon seeds. These compounds play a critical role in cellular energy production and defence against oxidative stress.

Antioxidant Properties:

CoQ10 and CoQ17 neutralise harmful free radicals.

They help protect cellular components from oxidative damage

 Potential anti-aging effects:

By reducing oxidative stress, these coenzymes may slow the cellular aging process. In particular, CoQ10 has been linked in some studies to increased skin elasticity and reduced wrinkles. In fact, you've seen and used various creams labelled Q10 or Q17!

 Energy production:

Both coenzymes are involved in the electron transfer chain, a key process for energy production in cells. Adequate levels of these coenzymes can support overall cellular health and function.

It is worth noting that although watermelon seeds contain these beneficial compounds, their concentration may be relatively low compared to other sources. In addition, more research is needed to fully understand the bioavailability and efficacy of these compounds when consuming watermelon seeds.


Watermelon is a nutrient-rich fruit with potential health benefits beyond its refreshing taste. The high citrulline content of watermelon may help support male fertility and improve athletic performance, while the micronutrients and coenzymes found in the seeds may contribute to the overall health of the body and possibly have anti-aging effects.

However, it is important to emphasise that while these results are encouraging, more extensive clinical studies are needed to fully elucidate the extent of watermelon's health benefits. As with any dietary modification or supplement, a physician should be consulted before using watermelon or its components for specific health purposes.

 An annual watermelon festival is held in the Turkish province of Diyarbakir. The event was already held for the 14th time and was dedicated to introducing watermelons grown in the region. The festival included a watermelon rolling competition and a watermelon race, tastings, a fair and the selection of the farmer who grew the largest and tastiest watermelons. The event was held at Dagkapı Square in Diyarbakır for two days.

 Sources and literature:

Daramola, O. O., et al. (2018). Effects of watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) seed on spermatogenesis in male albino rats.

Akhuetie, J. O., et al. (2018). Fertility-enhancing potential of watermelon seeds on male Wistar rats.

Kolawole, T. A., et al. (2019). Effects of pre-exercise watermelon consumption on physiological and performance parameters in athletes.


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